
The Black Mens Xchange DC (BMX-DC) has developed a community based outreach and prevention program for black same gender men (SGL) residing in and other surrounding communities of Washington DC.

With this model we have created a “safe” place for Black men to come and seek services. BMX-DC goals are to increase the health awareness in black men, with BMX-DC definition of health being: complete physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual well being. Part of BMX’s mission is to increase the health awareness in Black men by training Black men & providing preventive health messages & literature in a cultural & gender specific way (age specific when necessary). With this new awareness SGL Black men are more likely to go for health screening and testing. This may lead to an early diagnosis and BMX -DC knows Black men pre-exposed to disease due to late or “no” diagnosis at all.

Whether it is in the gym, or the happy hour, or the Ball Room scene BMX has become a trusted source of health, self empowerment using a Cultural frame of reference for SGL men in Washington’s DC underserved communities.

BMX National has presented its programs and research at a wide variety of professional conferences. We have been honored to have a partnership with The Center for Disease Control. As part of CDC’s innovative campaign, CDC has launched a $10 million, five-year partnership with 16 of the nation’s leading African-American organizations. The Leadership Initiative seeks to harness the collective strength and reach of traditional, longstanding African-American institutions to increase HIV-related awareness, knowledge and action within black communities across the United States. The CDC’s selection positions BMX alongside other legacy community black organizations such as the NAACP, the Urban League, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and American Urban Radio Networks.