1.6 million
Among African Americans age 25 and older, the number who had an advanced degree in 2011 (e.g., master’s, Ph.D., M.D. or J.D.). Fifteen years earlier—in 1995—only 677,000 blacks had this level of education.
3.9 million
Number of black college students in 2011. This was an increase of roughly 2 million from 18 years earlier.
Download Black Educational Stats PDFBooks about Education in the Black Community
Critical Issues in Educating African American Youth (A Talk With Jawanza) - Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu
The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children - Gloria Ladson-Billings
Learning While Black: Creating Educational Excellence for African American Children - Janice E. Hale
White Money/Black Power: The Surprising History of African American Studies and the Crisis of Race in Higher Education - Noliwe Rooks
Educating African American Males: Voices From the Field - Olatokunbo S. Fashola
Achievement for African-American Students: Strategies for the Diverse Classroom - Gary L. Reglin
The African American Child: Development and Challenges - Yvette R. Harris PhD, James A. Graham PhD
African American Culture and Heritage in Higher Education Research and Practice - Kassie Freeman
African American Men in College - Michael J. Cuyjet
African American Students in Urban Schools: Critical Issues and Solutions for Achievement (Educational Psychology: Critical Pedagogical Perspectives) - James L. Moore III, Chance W. Lewis
Percent of Black persons all ages in fair or poor health: 14.2% percent of persons all ages with a limitation in usual activities due to one or more chronic health conditions: % Source: Natnl Health Interview Survey, 2011.
Health risk factors for non-Hispanic black men population
- Black men 18 years and over who currently smoke: ……23.7%
- Black men 20 years and over who are overweight: ……..71.8%
- Black men 20 years and over with hypertension: …………41.4%
Source: CDC Health, United States report, 2010
Access to health care
- Black persons under 65 years without health insurance coverage: 18.9%
- Black adults 18 years and over without a usual source of health care: 21.5%
- Black children under 18 years without a usual source of health care: 5.9%
Source: National Health Interview Survey, 2010
Black Owned Businesses
Black owned businesses in the United States increased 70.5% between 2002 and 2012 totaling of 1.9 million Black owned and operated companies. More than 94% of these businesses are made up of sole proprietorships or partnerships which have no paid employees.
Nearly 4 in 10 black-owned businesses (more than 700,000) in 2007 operated in the health care, social assistance; and other services such as repair, maintenance, personal and laundry services sectors. Administrative Support, waste management, and remediation services made up 11% of Black owned firms totaling 216,763. Transportation and warehousing was the fourth largest industry making up 9% of Black firms.
This has been a phrase used by many in the media and with organizations who are both for and against black interests. It has become one of those quotes which has ingrained itself in the memories of Americans so much so that it is assumed to be fact. This is one of the most misleading phrases used in reference to black men.
According to government figures 1,034,000 African American men were enrolled in a degree granting institution in 2009 compared to 841,000 who were counted in the nations jails and prisons during the same year. And of those Black men in jail and prison only 164,400 are of typical college age (18-24). In fact even a decade ago when overall numbers suggested there were Black men in jail than in school, college aged Black men enrolled in a degree granting institution far outnumbered their peers who were incarcerated.