

A member who’s entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations which membership in a particular chapter confers or implies. and such obligation shall include regular attendance, active payment of donations, participation in chapter activities and conduct reflecting a favorable image of BMX-DC in the community. A active member-at-large shall not be eligible to hold office or to vote in district or national
meetings or conferences.
A member of the chapter who has moved from the community, or because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend forums and desires to retain membership in this chapter, and upon whom the Developing Committee Board desires to confer this status. The DCM of the chapter shall review the status each six months. A non-active member-at-large shall not be eligible to hold office or to vote in
district or national meetings or conference.
An individual not a member of this chapter, having performed outstanding service for the community. Whom the chapter desires to confer special distinction. This chapter may pay fees and associated dues on such a member, who may attend meetings, forums, and summits but shall not be entitled to any privileges of active membership. This membership category shall not be included in the chapter delegate formula calculation.